Christmas is here once again. It is a special time of year, not only to get presents and spend time with the family but to reflect on all the blessings in our lives. Some people are not so fortunate. Some families wish for a warm meal and enough to provide for the family. The healthcare team at Royal York Massage Therapy and Royal York Chiropractic want to help those families. Therefore this year we are going to be collecting clothes for families to stay warm and raffling off a gift basket and donating the money to help families improve their standard of living.
When temperature fall across Canada, for some it is easy to grab their winter clothes and stay warm. Unfortunately, for others this is more difficult. Hats, mittens, scarfs, socks and underwear are items thatĀ some families do not have inĀ abundance. Clean socks and underwear are items which we take for granted, but for some they do not have more than one or two pairs. Socks easily wear down and they are one item that can make a day easier to go through when you have a clean, warm pair to put on. Winter hats or toques, mittens, gloves and scarfs can make the difference on keeping a person warm when they are out in a Canadian winter. We are asking everyone to bring in at least one of these items to the clinic before December 19th.
Lastly, once again we are going to raffle off a Gift Basket. We will be selling tickets that can be purchased at the clinic. The proceeds will be going to help families improve their standard of living through MEDA (Mennonite Economic Development Agency). Visit their website for more information: Donations can help Empower women and Youth in Jordan, empower women farmers in Ghana, provide tools and training to Ukraine farmers or help small businesses flourish in Yeman. These are only a few examples that donations from $25 to $200 can do to help families and communities around the globe.
It is important that we can help both local people in our community and those far away to have a better life. Please help us by donating in the next month by visiting our clinic or donating directly.
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